The key to keeping your balance…


Over the past few weeks I’ve had some down time on the blog. Not deliberately, but due to me not balancing things very well at all. I’ve been trying to revamp my business and promote my Christmas promotions as well as look after a poorly baby. It’s been quite tough but it’s given me some time to have a think about where this blog is going. 

I decided after reading over my past blog posts that even my blog isn’t as balanced as it should be. Of course Miss P takes up a huge amount of my day, but I do do other things too 😜. 

Juggling everything is pretty tough but that was the main point of my blog. To highlight the struggles, successes for example. So I’m starting a new feature on my blog which will hopefully keep me centred and balanced. 

How do you juggle everything you need to? Do you throw yourself into something and neglect other areas of your life? I’d love to hear about it. 

17 thoughts on “The key to keeping your balance…

  1. Rachel says:

    I schedule a lot of things, I have too with working full times, being a wife, having 3 cats and housework to do. So things like Facebook, Twitter and some G+ stuff is all automated and some of my posts are scheduled weeks in advance, more so if I know I am going to be busy and I also schedule tweets associated with that post too x

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  2. ladieswholunchreviews says:

    Juggling is hard with little ones. I don’t know how we managed when ours were small but I worked outside the home and having time away to do my job and have some me time helped me focus on taking care of the kidlets when I was home. A supportive hubby helps bunches, too!


  3. serenityyou says:

    I neglect the cleaning all the time. I am just so busy with my blog, or running around after the kids that tidying the house seems to take a back seat


  4. becky says:

    I have 4 kids, 2 at school, 1 at preschool in the afternoons and 1 at home with me, I have started setting time aside for each thing that needs doing on the blog in the evening, also once a week (whichever is to be my quietest day that week) I do a get s*it done list and me and a friend check in with each other at 3hour intervals that really helps! x


  5. Krista says:

    I adore the quote/graphic that you chose for this post. I often look back after a few anxious/”off” days and realize that I’ve been neglecting something that makes me feel good. I’d love to offer tips on keeping balance but instead I’ll just be keeping my eyes open for your and everyone else’s advice because I feel like balance is something I struggle with CONSTANTLY! I’m always throwing myself into something while neglecting everything else!! And then playing clean up.

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