Living Arrows Week 50

The journey to becoming a man is where
he decides to make his own path.
A boy can’t walk the same path as a man,
because he didn’t prove himself strong, brave, or smart
enough to take a leap of faith to find the way out.
We are very capable of using the tools that we are given at birth to find are way.
In a lot of cultures a boy becomes a man at a young age.

Some even follow a code or some kind of tradition
they make a boy do to prove himself of being a man.
Man or boy we will always fall short to a test,
but will always do enough to pass.
We will always be warriors at heart no matter what life we lived.
Man or boy you will hear our calls.- Mafi Grey


My middle child doesn’t get much of a mention on my blog.  Not intentionally, but because at 12 years old, all he wants to do is be in his room on his computer.  He does come out occasionally though and on one of those rare occasions I did a quick photoshoot with him and his sisters.  When sorting through the photos to edit I found this one.  When did my baby boy become so grown up? How did that happen right in front of my eyes?

Living Arrows


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