Finally got around to celebrating the new year with hubby

It only went and actually happened! We managed to get out, just the two of us for some quality time, after planning and putting it off for months!keep-calm-its-date-night
Well, far too many months really.  Since having Penny, we have spend many nights in and that’s fine.  We are used to it and understand that finding baby sitters for 3 children is tough, however with Jonathan working over new year, I felt it was only fair to take him out.

We started by visiting the new Annie Leibovitz exhibition which has just opened in London.  I haven’t been to an exhibition since I graduated last year and I was thrilled to have one of my favourite photographers exhibit so close to home.  Here are a few snaps I was allowed to take on my phone, but I was too engrossed in it all to be honest.

WOMEN: New Portraits is a continuation of a project that Annie Leibovitz began over fifteen years ago. The new portraits unveiled in London reflect the changes in the roles of women today and feature women of outstanding achievement including artists, musicians, CEOs, politicians, writers and philanthropists.

After leaving the exhibition, we made our way to the cinema to catch a 5.30pm showing of CREED.  I have always been a HUGE Rocky fan.  We used to watch them as children and even though I’m not big into boxing, I have always loved these movies, so I was a bit apprehensive about seeing Creed.  After Rocky 4, they seemed to get pretty poor so I wasn’t holding my breath.  I am glad to say that I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie.  Parts made me tear up as well as the adrenaline rush you get while watching the final fight! Rocky 4 will always be my favourite, but Creed did it justice for sure.


By the time the movie was over, we were starving, so headed to Wahaca for some lovely mexican street food.  It was nice to be able to enjoy a nice meal and actually discuss the movie and not be interrupted by one of the children needing something.  They were being well looked after at home by my in-laws and after a very cold ride home on the bus, we were pleased to see that Penny was already fast asleep (this never happens when we aren’t home).  Overall we had a fantastic night enjoying each others company and hope to do it again soon.

Do you have dedicated date nights? What do you do?


Mudpie Fridays

50 thoughts on “Finally got around to celebrating the new year with hubby

  1. Working Mum Blog says:

    Looks and sounds like you had a lovely time! It’s so important to make time for each other when you have children. I have a young son and still working on making time for the other half after work, looking after baby and life.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Elizabeth says:

    How fantastic! I know exactly how difficult it is to find a babysitter for three children – we have three too and tend to have a date night once every two years! We had a night in a hotel and meal last weekend to celebrate our anniversary and it was lovely. Looking forward to the next date night in another two years!


  3. PregnancyDost/Avani says:

    That is great, the outing planning starts from finding babysitters…Life is always challenging for parents but you need these night outs once in a while and whatever you do with good dinner out is an reward that you deserve every bit.


  4. Tracey @ One Frazzled Mum says:

    It sounds like a lovely night and well deserved! I’m not really into the Rocky movies so probably won’t get round to seeing creed till it hits sky movies!


  5. Hello Beautiful Bear says:

    You definitely made good use of your time together and I would love to go to the photography exhibition, it looks amazing! X


  6. Jenni - Odd Socks and Lollipops says:

    Sounds like a great time, such lovely photos. I want to start making an effort to have a date night, or afternoon – so important


  7. mudpiefridays says:

    Thats a gorgeous photo of the both of you :). Sounds like a great date night, I have not heard of the artist but I like the look of the photos you have taken. Its so important to make time for each other something I would like to improve on in 2016!! Thank you for joining us at #BloogerClubUK I hope to see you again next week x


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