The Hungry Mummy- Time for change


Almost 4 years ago, before I started blogging regularly I had a gastric bypass.  Although I did lose some weight, it didn’t exactly go as planned.  I didn’t have all of the side affects which are associated with the surgery, and instead was hungry ALL THE TIME.  The surgery only really lasts for 2 years however. I didn’t do it for vanity reasons or because I was deeply unhappy with what I saw in the mirror everyday. It was after having another cancer scare which was thankfully a false alarm, but I realised that having my fat causing shadows on CT scans was only going to add to the already anxious life I was leading as a cancer survivor.

In 2014 I spent the year on some heavy duty medication for back pain and ballooned.  I am also a PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), so hormones make losing weight difficult and am prone to weight gain as well as other issues.  After losing 10 stone in weight I was gaining is back rapidly.  I then fell pregnant with our miracle baby and lost weight during my pregnancy (11 pounds lighter when I gave birth).  Now it’s piling on again and I know that something has got to give!

I am still hungry a lot of the time, and although I can now eat ‘normal’ portions and not the huge portions I could pre-bypass, I know I am turning to the wrong foods and grazing throughout the day.  I have done slimming world in the past and lost a bit but not much, but think that because of the constant hunger it will be the best option for me.  I tried joining last year, but when I saw how much the plan had changed I panicked and didn’t go back.  My anxiety wasn’t under control then either and the class was a fair distance away.  I have found a class closer to home, but it clashes with my RCIA class at the moment so will rejoin after easter.  HOWEVER, this isn’t going to stop me starting my journey now.

I am going to start by cutting out the amount of bread I am eating and snacking on sugary foods first off, until I can do a big food shop to ensure my success at sticking to plan.  I am also hoping that by sharing this online, it will help me remain focussed and hopefully keep me motivated.  I know that being active is also a big thing that needs attention in my life, so I am going to prepare a plan as that will take some thought on my part. That’s a whole other blog post however.

So… tomorrow I will be taking some measurements…. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN, and I know that my journey will begin!

What works for you? Any advice you can give me?

41 thoughts on “The Hungry Mummy- Time for change

  1. MARI says:

    Hey girl I suffer from weight as well I’m 197 pounds in U.S I’m a 13 in jeans and I useto be a size 9 in jeans when I wash pungent and before my daughter this was my comfort weight I was 130pounds and slim and toned and now that I had
    My Daughter two years ago weight has become and issue I’m not super happy with it but I’ve changed a lot of what i eat and drink. No sodas, not a lot starchy foods, no sweets,no fruit juices only veggie and fruit smoothies or 100% fruit juice no sugared one

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Nice Nest says:

    Good luck! Changing habits isn’t easy. I find with exercise that building up gradually usually means I’ll keep going longer term. Nothing worse than a manic blitz followed by aches and pains to put you off. Breaking goals down and ticking off stages on the way to where I want to be motivates me.


  3. Georgia says:

    Good luck!!! I cut sugar about a month ago and after a week I had serious withdrawal symptoms but now I feel so good and I don’t crave it at all. If I put too much in my coffee I certainly know about it. Once again good luck with your journey.


  4. Life as Mum says:

    Slimming World works for me. I lost 3 and ahalf stone on plan in 2014. My own fault I gained half of it back but I started back at group last week. It isn’t a diet, it is to help you to have the right healthy eating lifestyle Good luck lovely

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Emma says:

    Hey honey, well done for stopping and deciding to take action, I’ve struggled with my weight for years too and sometimes it’s hard to get motivated. Try out lots of different exercise types and hopefully you will find something you really enjoy. Best of luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. TheLondonMum says:

    Good luck. I hope you find something that works for you. I’ve decided that this year I won’t buy anything unhealthy into the house, but if other people bring it in, or if I eat out I will allow myself to buy/eat whatever. I find being too restrictive far too hard. x


  7. Ana De-Jesus says:

    I wish you luck and hope your next time with Slimming world will go well. Sorry to hear about everything you have been through hope your back is better and well done for sharing your cancer scare. You are so brave.


  8. Elizabeth says:

    Good luck! It really, really isn’t easy. I lost two stone last year through diet and exercise, and I’m now on a fitness mission to embark on an epic 200 mile cycle, so I’m trying to lose fat and gain muscle and I am hungry ALL OF THE TIME! I’m only eating 1500 kcal a day so I have to choose carefully what I eat during the day. Half a plate of veg, 1/2 plate of carbs and 1/2 plate protein, but I’m obsessed! All I can think of is food! It’s really not easy.


  9. JessicaLouise (@JessycaLouise) says:

    Good luck with your weight loss. I lost 6 stone around 4 years ago and kept the majority off. Unfortunately there’s no quick solutions, all I can recommend is healthy eating and exercise which you will probably already know. I also took cider vinegar supplements which apparently can help you digest food easier, I’m not entirely sure it worked but I did take them alongside healthy eating x

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Jay says:

    Hi! Love your post and honesty! I have been struggling with weight for years but decided to take different approach this year! Firstly I read “The thin woman brain” which is not exactly scientifically correct but shows the concept of neuroplasticity. The way how we think and in many ways sabotage ourself can be changed. I know it is true as I used to be extremely heavy smoker but now I haven’t had a cigaret for over four years! I believe there is a life style in which I can be a happy, healthy, fit and thin person and this year is all about finding/ creating it by adopting what works and letting go of things which don’t. At the end we are our own creations! Imagine yourself in your best but really let it go in your dreams! Once you have a picture in your head, hold on to it and make it a reality. We all know we need to eat less and move more to loose weight. What hold us back is our brain 🙂 We should go for a walk around docks soon 🙂 Take care


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